How would you screen and find a crypto market to trade?
Let me tell mine.
TLDR: I buy strongest and sell weakest. Make some money, then lost most of them in the infamous wick in July. I'm building tools to help me make better trading decisions, and revenge in some day.
Once upon a time, there was me 😅. Every morning, I open FTX and Binance with a cup of coffee on the table. I sort the markets by the most traded volume, strongest and weakest performed. Then i go over TradingView, plot those markets manually, sometimes 10, sometimes 20, and compare them together. Imagine you put the strongest and weakest in the ring, you already know who won right?
So i buy strongest and sell weakest markets. I follow the path of least resistance, and make money. Not everyday, but overall.
Then the infamous wick in July appeared out of nowhere and hit me, hard, like many others.
As a developer, I'm researching and developing tools to automate the screening process, cut boring and error-proning parts. As the screening process took me about an 1h40' everyday. So that's how BetaPlay born.
With BetaPlay, you don't need TradingView, CryptoMarketCap, and other boring friends any more.
Let see how BetaPlay can help you screen and identify a good trade.
Know mood of the markets quickly. Where is the money flowing? Which are strongests/weakests?
Top traded volume markets
FTX Markets selector - Sorted by traded volume by default